Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What to learn? Why blog?

When I signed up for the online blogging class, I wanted to learn how blogs can be used in the classroom. I knew blogs were used for publishing online journals, but I'm curious how I can collaborate with other coworkers as well as make blogs a part of the grading process of my classroom. I see potential in encouraging collaboration among my students as they apply concepts taught in class in a unique online format.

So why am I blogging? I intend this blog to be a way for me to encourage collaboration in the classroom. I want to post thoughts and begin conversations online that apply what we're learning in class. This blog also will be used to post current theatre events and auditions so all students can be up-to-date on the local theatre scene.


  1. Hey Kathy,
    Collaboration is at the focal point for class blogs and wikis. This is a great place to start a conversation, and sometimes provides a nice format for those students who might be more reluctant to express opinions in class. Good thinking!
    Say hi to all of my friends at Chisholm Trail. I was on that campus for many, many years :-)

  2. P.S. Good job getting your Voki set up and located in the right place!
