Tuesday, August 4, 2009

RSS Choices

This week I feel so much more in tune with the modern Internet era by learning about RSS. I didn't know there was an easy way to keep up with lots of different blogs and updates through one RSS reader. After looking at the descriptions of the different RSS readers, I decided on PageFlakes as my RSS reader because I'm very much a visual learner, so I thought it be easier for me to visually process the information. It did take some getting used to the fancy layout though. But after playing with it for a while, I feel like I understand it.

The non-classmate blogs I subscribed to were:
  1. Fox News and CNN (My sources of world news)
  2. www.thedramateacher.com (I liked the theatre teaching ideas posted here)
  3. adventuresofadramateacher.wordpress.com (I like how the teacher uses the blog to post info about her classes and a way to connect to both current and past students)

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